Johanne Vallée, ambassadrice du CSJR, a été invitée par le Sénateur Art Eggleton à intervenir lors d’un Caucus du Sénat sur la justice réparatrice, le mercredi 26 septembre, à Ottawa.
Cette invitation faisait suite à la publication de son article dans Options politiques en avril.
Le CSJR se réjouit de l’intérêt du Sénat vis-à-vis de la justice réparatrice et remercie Johanne Vallée pour sa contribution à ce débat.
Vous pouvez voir toute la séance sur YouTube :
- En anglais : Open Caucus on restorative justice – September 26, 2018
- En français : Caucus overt sur la justice réparatrice – 26 septembre 2018
- Parterre : Open Caucus on restorative justice – September 26, 2018 (Floor feed)
Ou sur le site du Sénat :
- En anglais : http://bit.ly/2xcE0J3
- En français : http://bit.ly/2x8dVeO

Open Caucus
Wednesday September 26th, 2018
9:15am – 11:15am
Room 160-S, Centre Block
Restorative justice has been advocated as a potential solution to mitigate the current issues facing the criminal justice system. Restorative justice focuses on repairing harm, healing in victims, meaningful accountability of offenders and preventing further crime. Research suggests that the use of restorative justice can result in higher satisfaction for all parties’ involved, increased efficiency, lower legal costs, effective rehabilitative programming, and lower rates of recidivism as compared to the traditional criminal justice system.
According to the 2017 National Justice Survey, over half of Canadians reported low familiarity with the principles, processes and use of restorative justice. Without a basic awareness, restorative justices’ full potential cannot be realized. With the aim of broadening the traditionally adversarial approach to criminal justice, we ask experts: what are the implications of using restorative justice as an additional, alternative or complementary form of justice? Can restorative justice programs provide better justice for victims, offenders and society as a whole?
Panelists include:
- Dr. Jennifer Llewellyn: Professor at the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University; worked and published extensively in the areas of domestic and international restorative justice.
- Dr. Jo-Anne Wemmers: Professor in the School of Criminology at the University of Montreal and an international expert on victimology.
- Johanne Vallée: Ambassador for the Centre de services de justice réparatrice (CSJR); former deputy commissioner for Quebec within Correctional Service Canada.
- Ryan Beardy: Second year student at University of Winnipeg studying Political Science and Conflict Resolution; Cree/Saulteaux from Lake St. Martin First Nation. Significant experience in the criminal justice system.
- Chantell Baker: Justice Development Coordinator at Southern Chiefs’ Organization Inc., expert in Restorative Justice and Conflict Resolution. First Nations from Sapotoweyak Cree Nation.
The Open Caucus is a forum for discussion on issues of national importance. The Open Caucus is co-sponsored by the Independent Senators Group (ISG), the Independent Senate Liberals, and the Government Representative Office in the Senate. This non-partisan discussion is open to all Members of Parliament, Senators, parliamentary staff, media, and the public.
Senator Art Eggleton, Co-Chair, Open Caucus
Senator Raymonde Saint-Germain, Co-Chair, Open Caucus
Senator Jane Cordy, Co-Chair, Open Caucus