From October 7th to the 9th 2016, the CSJR will offer a new program in Montreal, in partnership with the Institute for Healing of Memories based in Cape Town South Africa, a series of healing of memories workshops and a training program for future workshop leaders
Michael Lapsley, founder of the IHM in 1998, was in Montreal in August 2015. Following his visit he received the Prix du public pour la paix.
The first healing of memories workshop will be animated by Michael Lapsley and his assistants, in Ehglish and French at the Villa des Arts de Pierrefonds.
The Healing of Memories project was created to offer a healing process to a group of 15 people who have suffered from trauma notably those who have suffered from or witnessed violence , particularly indigenous peoples, refugees and military veterans.
The suggested fee for the workshop is $300 (food, single room, shared bathroom, workshop costs)
Registration as soon as possible. Places limited.
The following organizations have agreed to partner with the CJSR to help ensure the success of the workshop:
- L’ACAT Canada – Action des chrétien(ne)s pour l’abolition de la torture
- L’AFPAD – Association des familles de personnes assassinées ou disparues
- Antennes de paix
- Le Centre Wampum
- Le RIVO – Réseau d’intervention auprès des personnes ayant subi la violence organisée
- Traumatys
The CSJR would like to thank the following financial partners for their support of this innovative project.:
- Fernand Bessette, c.s.c.
- La Fondation Les Oeuvres Marie-Gérin Lajoie, avec l’appui de Gisèle Turcot, s.b.c.
- The Brian Bronfman Family Foundation
- L’ACAT Canada – Action des chrétien(ne)s pour l’abolition de la torture
- Friends of Michael Lapsley: Peter Deslauriers and Rebecca Dyck
- MCC-Québec (Mennonite Central Committee-Quebec)