Our Team


Estelle Drouvin

Estelle Drouvin has a Master of Law specialized in human rights issues. It was with much enthousiasm that she discovered restorative justice when she moved to Québec in 2005. After spending 10 years fighting against inhumane treatment and torture, and 4 years working for peace and non-violence, she agreed to take the position as Coordinator for the Centre for Services in Restorative Justice at the end of 2009. She is now pleased to dedicate her efforts to promoting an innovative approach with great promise for the future.

Director’s Assistant

Alysee Lavallee-Imhof

Having completed studies in law and communications, Alysée joins the CSJR team in June 2024 as Director’s Assistant. In recent years, her career path has led her to become involved in the community and in union activities. Driven by values of social justice and inclusion, she believes that restorative justice creates valuable spaces for dialogue that contribute to better social experiences. This collective dimension of restorative justice particularly appeals to her, and she is delighted to be able to join the CSJR team.

Restorative Justice Officer

Kamelia Chartrand

Kamélia is an perpetual student: she has a bachelor’s degree in law, a minor in political science and is now studying for a bachelor’s degree in sexology. She began her career working with women and children who were victims of domestic violence. Through this experience, she now campaigns for reform of the justice system, especially in the area of sexual and domestic violence. In her practice and in her personal life, she has seen how the needs of victims and survivors are not always met by conventional justice, which is limited to civil monetary reparations and criminal punishments. She thus firmly believes in the importance of alternative forms of justice, particularly restorative justice. She joined the CSJR team in March 2023 as a Restorative Justice Officer.

Restorative Justice Facilitator

Audray Lemay

Audray is trained in sexology. She defines herself as an orchestra conductor when it comes to work. She has worked as a psychosocial counsellor, psychotherapist, facilitator, trainer, clinical supervisor and even journalist. It was through her activism and her studies that she discovered restorative justice and fell in love with it. She sees her role as facilitator of restorative justice meetings as a tool enabling her to embody her values and to pass on her knowledge through a concrete, relevant and powerful process. She enthusiastically joined the CSJR team in June 2024.

Agent of the community services development

Manon Mazenod

Manon joined the CSJR team to support and develop restorative justice projects. After completing a master’s degree in international studies at Université Laval and with much professional experience as a project manager, particularly in humanitarian aid, entrepreneurship and sustainable development, she wishes to put her knowledge and interpersonal skills at the service of the CSJR’s mission. Manon wishes to work towards a more peaceful and harmonious world, both on an individual and collective scale. The spaces for dialogue, humanity and inclusiveness offered by the CSJR contribute to this mission.

Administrative support agent 

Yves Gilbert

Yves joined the CSJR as an administrator in 2009. He then held the role of Treasurer from 2010 to 2020 and joined the CSJR team in 2020 as Administrative Support Officer. Yves has acquired solid administrative experience through his involvement as a director in various organizations. In addition, he has 50 years of experience as a volunteer with the Scouts du Canada in facilitation and administration. During these years, he held the position of President of the Fédération des Scouts du Québec for 4 years. Through his social commitment, Yves hopes to help the community create a better world.


Geneviève Rioux

Geneviève Rioux is a doctoral student in psychology and a writer. A survivor of attempted murder and sexual assault, she denounces this violence through writing, a true outlet and tool for justice. Through various literary genres, she tackles contemporary themes such as women, adversity and resilience. She conveys her message on stage, at conferences and in writing workshops. Her first collection, Survivaces, was published by Éditions Mémoire d’encrier in spring 2022, in partnership with David Goudreault.

Members of the Board of Directors

Marie-Stéphane Rainville, Copresident

As a speech therapist and a person who has benefited from our services, Marie-Stéphane believes in the mission of the CSJR, which she describes as a way to create bridges and to make communication more open. To her, finding words to describe one’s experience, breaking silence, redefining perceptions and listening to the other person’s suffering help one to find oneself again, to heal and to understand.

Dominique, Copresident

This kintsugi is more than a photo for Dominique; it is a portrait of her experience and a representation of her connection with the core mission of the CSJR. With a background in architecture and a keen interest in the arts, her aim is to contribute to a work that is much “bigger than herself”, in which she believes deeply: “Repairing the human network, in its individual and collective dimensions, through unlikely encounters, where bonds of trust have been broken”. Dominique has had the privilege of experiencing some of these unlikely encounters. On each occasion, she says, it was a journey to the heart of humanity’s greatest suffering. These exchanges have profoundly transformed her. Now it’s her turn to make a difference by giving back.

Cindy Lapointe, Vice-President

Cindy Lapointe (M.Sc. Criminology, B.Sc. Psychology) first worked in research (Study on Street Youth and Longitudinal Study on Desistance from Criminal Activity), and then as a Parole Officer for Correctional Services Canada within a correctional facility. Since 2003, she has successively held the posts of Psychosocial Advocate, Head of Service and Service Director at the Crime Victims Assistance Centre (CAVAC) in Montreal. It is within the framework of her work at CAVAC that she has been able to develop an expertise related to intervention with victims of crime, which continues to be her main field of interest.

France De Blois, Treasurer 

France has always been devoted to mental health causes. Pursuing a certificate in psychology, she advocates justice and social peace in all its forms. She is convinced that restorative justice is a useful tool for resolving misunderstandings and unexpressed suffering, so that people can move towards a more peaceful future. France, a CPA and manager for over 30 years, joins the CSJR team to support the organization in its administrative management and governance, as well as in maintaining and developing relationships with its partners.

Jean-Guy Nadeau, Secretary

Jean-Guy has recently benefited greatly from the CSJR through two memory healing workshops, and he is ready to give back. He was a professor in the Faculty of Theology at the Université de Montréal for 30 years. He wrote a doctoral thesis on the exclusion of women prostitutes by the Church, based on the practices of listening and accompanying them. This was in the 1970s, before the term “sex-worker” was coined. He has organized conferences and symposia, and published numerous books and articles, sometimes on social issues, but mostly on individual traumas linked to sexual assault and abuse. Jean-Guy has also been a member and sometimes chairman of academic and community boards. In retirement, he taught Counselling, Psychotherapy and Spirituality at Saint Paul University, and spent a year working in Rome on the problem of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, the subject of his latest book “Une profonde blessure” (2020).

Jonathan Jubinville

Jonathan’s heritage is rooted in the Laurentian forest where he draws a deep respect and love for the wisdom of nature. His quiet strength and humane approach allow him to intervene with care, sensitivity and confidence in difficult and uncertain contexts. His academic background, which includes a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Political Studies and a Master’s degree in Sustainable Development Management, has led him to develop a systemic awareness of the complexity of the issues that shape our times and the levers that are available to us. With this knowledge, he founded Matière Brute with the intention of facilitating socio-ecological transitions. He also participates in the training of the next generation as a teacher at the Université de Sherbrooke’s B.Sc. in Environment and is involved as co-president of the organization La Transformerie. More recently, he joined the CSJR team as an administrator and is involved as a volunteer in the collective trauma project with the goal of contributing to better social health.

Chantal Chartrand

Chantal was born to a Quebecer father and an Innu mother from the Maliotenam community. Chantal has a 32-year career in the federal government. Most recently, she was a Waseskun release and liaison officer, an aboriginal recruiter and a project manager. She holds several multi-ethnicity training courses and a B.A. in social sciences, with certificates in criminology, drug addiction and youth intervention. As part of her career continuum, she has been putting her knowledge of her culture and intercultural skills to good use with the Canada School of Public Service as an associate faculty member since April 2018. Highly active in society, she has worked on behalf of the Aboriginal homeless and is now an advocate for Aboriginal rights. The causes closest to her heart are Justice for Joyce, reconciliation and Aboriginal homelessness.

Mathieu Lavigne

Mathieu has a degree in History with Université de Montreal. He has been the director of Mission chez nous since 2020, an organization offering financial support to Christian communities in Indigenous grounds. He was the Awareness Officer for CSJR for 3 years while being the host of the radio show ‘Faire justice autrement’ (Doing Justice Differently) a co-production of CSJR. Moreover, he was a communication agent at the Institut de pastorale des Dominicains. For many years now, we have been able to hear him as a host of many shows on Radio VM.

Virginie Lecourt

Holder of a PhD in Ethics of Management, Virginie Lecourt has been
working in the field of ethics (organizational ethics and research ethics) for many years now. She is particularly interested in the capacity of questioning ethics in complex situations. She has known CSJR since its inception and believes strongly in the mission of our Centre. Restorative justice is to her an interesting relational posture.


Guylaine Martel

As a social facilitator with varied experience who has worked with victims of sexual abuse, Guylaine first joined our team as a facilitator for face-to-face sessions. In September 2016, she moved on to become a development officer for CSJR. Her main mandate is to further promote the development and implementation of Restorative Justice Services in several regions of Quebec.

Kenny Sajous-Georges

With over 10 years of experience as a facilitator and trainer, alongside his training and practice in integral coaching, Kenny is passionate about deep human connection, which he believes is essential to creating a better world. He is constantly on the lookout for tools, practices and methods that support the maintenance and restoration of connection. It was then with great enthusiasm that, in 2020, he discovered the CSJR and its ability to repair what violence has broken. Having joined the team in 2023 as a Training and Awareness Officer, he is eager to help spread the values and mission of the Center for Services in Restorative Justice.

Person in Charge of Our Facebook Page

Katheleen Landry

Trained as a graphic designer, Katheleen Landry worked with bereaved families, she  discovered the power of victim offender encounters while volunteering in a guided meditation activity in a detention center. She was amazed by the positive impacts of the method on the offenders as well as the sense of “restorative justice” that she felt in herself during the encounters. Now living in France, she manages our Facebook page and Twitter accoun as a volunteer.

We also want to thank all our Restorative Justice facilitators and other volunteers.

Centre de services de justice réparatrice | 7333 rue Saint Denis, Montréal Qc H2R2E5 | 514 933-3737 | csjr@csjr.org 

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